The aviation industry relies on a steady stream of apprentices and graduates to fulfil its ever-growing technical engineering, maintenance, and cabin crew requirements. With hundreds of universities, colleges and training providers educating thousands of young people across the UK, the need for realistic equipment and hands on training is paramount.
Every aircraft at our disposal provides us with opportunities to support education and training providers with material such as fuselage sections, surplus technical components and even life vests!
West Nottinghamshire College for example acquired the front section of an Airbus A320 passenger jetliner to support students in their aviation studies.
The fuselage, which includes the cockpit and galley, was subsequently transformed into a first-class training facility for travel and tourism students.
The former commercial aircraft is now a life-like teaching space where students learn the skills required in aviation roles including emergency procedures, customer service, hospitality, making announcements, delivering in-flight health and safety briefings, how to embark and disembark safely, and operating aircraft equipment. This allows them to experience the true-to-scale space that cabin crew work in, while putting the theory of aviation study modules into practice.
Another educational example comes from the International Centre for Aerospace Training [ICAT], where a fuselage section was used to support the British Airways Cardiff Advanced Structure Repair course. Running over six cycles, the course enabled ICAT to support and upskill BAMC technicians and mechanics in a variety of ways, including rolling fuselage material to the correct dimensions, installing repairs including riveting and surface preparation, and finally waterproofing with PRC.
The fuselage section was also used for Further Education and Higher Education classes to showcase fuselage construction – frames/formers, stringers, and flanges.

Repurposed aircraft material offers a world of possibilities when it comes to educational and training resources. Enquire today to discover how our team can support your requirements and enable your students’ education to take flight.

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